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Agricultural compliance management software that is...



One-click audit report generation; reducing your preparation time from weeks to seconds.


Individual user access for your employees provides you secure and accountable records.



Offline record entry in the field or shed, uploads your data when you've returned to service.



Integrated with customisable business management reminders and corrective action reports, gives you all the tools for business improvement.

horticulture compliance management software

do you need a way of keeping on top of all your farm records?

feel confident and organised for audits

regain time in your day for more practical and productive tasks

eliminate duplicated records

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get support from the experts

at Grower Support, we understand your record keeping needs and we want you to save time and money through a more efficient way of managing your records and audits. With experience in government regulation, auditing, food safety, environment and market access requirements, the platform will be kept up to date with the latest record keeping requirements for farming.

easy setup

1  book a demo or sign up for a 14 day FREE trial

2  set up your farm and select the regulations/schemes/programs that apply to your farm

3  start completing in-built forms and checklists. Digitally manage records, documents, inventory and corrective actions


why move to a digital platform?

the regulatory and administration burden on horticultural farmers is increasing, and it is costing you thousands of dollars each year managing records to demonstrate compliance. Grower Support provides an easy to use software platform that has everything you need to feel organised throughout the year and prepared when it comes time for audit.

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from digital forms to inventory management - Grower Support has it all

we wanted to ensure we provide an easy to use platform but also include everything you need to manage records and demonstrate compliance. we collaborated with farmers and auditors to understand what you need in a record keeping platform, without being too complicated.



What are farmers saying about Grower Support?

"Allows us to keep all our records electronically from the start and in a single location. Also key is combining a number of records into a single record for greater efficiency"

- Banana farmer, North Queensland

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